Converting JSON to XML involves transforming the structure and content from one format to another. Here, I'll outline some features and considerations when performing JSON to XML conversion:

  1. Element Structure:

    • JSON objects are often represented as XML elements.
    • JSON arrays can be translated into XML elements or attributes based on the specific requirements.
  2. Attribute Handling:

    • JSON does not have attributes like XML, so decisions need to be made about how to represent JSON properties that could be attributes in XML.
  3. Nested Structures:

    • JSON can have nested objects and arrays. XML must handle nested elements accordingly.
  4. Data Types:

    • JSON is more permissive with data types than XML. For instance, JSON allows numbers to be expressed as strings. Consider how to handle such cases during conversion.
  5. Array Representation:

    • Decide how to represent JSON arrays in XML. It can be done using repeating elements or nested elements, depending on the XML schema.
  6. XML Header:

    • XML documents typically start with an XML declaration, specifying the XML version and encoding. Ensure this is added appropriately.
  • JSON to XML converter
  • Convert JSON to XML
  • JSON to XML online
  • JSON to XML converter tool
  • JSON to XML converter online
  • JSON to XML format converter
  • JSON to XML conversion
  • JSON to XML parser
  • Free JSON to XML converter
  • JSON data to XML converter